
CSL Automation Inc. (CSL) prides itself in developing some to the most cutting edge technology products in the industry. These products can be either used stand alone or combined with CSL exceptional BPO services. click the Contact link above to schedule a demo with one of our sales associates today

Loss Capture

A Photo, Video and Template based tool combined with an Industry leading Claim Administration Platform that allows your company the ability to capture and control understand the claim handling process. “When the Critical decision you make are based on what you see”


A online Estimatics tool designed to estimate cosmetic auto body repair damage. A tool that generates real time estimates via a photo comparison process. With over 15 years of development, trials and testing with proven results Instant Estimator will enhance any existing claim processing.

Dynamic Desk Review

DDR is a unique remote Desk Review system that allows remote Data capture via Video and Photo. A System that allows eyes at the scene to capture anything  “In The Moment” (ITM) technology can allow a novice user or your most seasoned professional to see what they need to make accurate claim decisions.